The purpose of this Non-profit educational and conservation organization shall be to promote landowners' rights; promote sound conservation legislation and administrative procedures; to save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of South Carolina; to promote sound environmental education programs; to promote a continued annual fur harvest using the best tools available for that purpose; and to promote freedom of choice for all Sportsmen.
South Carolina Furbearer
Bobcat, Coyote, Beaver, Muskrat,
Grey Fox, Red Fox, Otter, Raccoon, Opossum, Mink, Striped Skunk, Spotted Skunk, and Weasel.
©️ Copyright 2024 South Carolina Trappers Assn. All rights reserved.
Official Site of the South Carolina Trappers Association
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New Coyote Harvest
Inncentive Program 2023
Coyote Trapping and
Management Workshop
Trapping is an American Heritage
Problems with Wildlife?
Helping Landowners with their
Wildlife Problems is yet another
aspect of the SCTA
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National Trappers Association
Furbearers Unlimited
Fur Takers of America
National Trappers Foundation